Deep breaths

Helloooo 🙂

Okay, so I am really having trouble with trying to decide what to do with my blog. It’s a great little place for me to write down my feelings etc but I want to do something more with it. I’m not really sure what that something is but it’s still there, eating away at the back of my brain. I’ve tried writing up a blog post by hand so I can draft it easily but that didn’t work too well (plus I may or may not have accidentally ripped the paper with the pen . . . ).

I don’t even know what I want to write about, I keep thinking that it’d be easier if I was better and able to do more (Although to be honest I think I’m just using that as an excuse so I don’t have to think even more 😉 ). Hmm.

I think I’ll be driving myself round in circles for a bit. I might just try to perfect the blog’s look in hope for inspiration. xD

Jess x

Burnt breakfast

So, we are back with an update from Eva! 😀

Good morning Eva!

Eva: Hmph. It’s 4am. Leave me alone.

Oookay. Guess you’re not a morning person!

I sent her to the bathroom to get organised and then it was breakfast time!

Eva: I totally know what I’m doing!

I’m not too sure of that . . .

Random deer walked through our “house” so she of course wished to watch it. She is definitely easily distracted 😉

What did you do Eva?!

Eva: I may or may not have burnt it . . .

I knew I should have just made you do a quick meal. D: Well, waste not want not! You spent 11 simoleons on that!

And of course you sit on the loo again. When you get some money I’m buying you a chair!

I made her brush her teeth to get rid of burnt waffle taste. xD Kinda creepy picture 😉 While she was doing that the post lady decided to pay us a visit:

Bills. Thanks for that! We can’t actually pay them though as it’s 92 simoleons for them and we only have 34. :’) We had some time to kill though so I sent her to Cinnamon Crest Falls to fish so we could sell them.

We only managed to catch one though before we had to head back home before the carpool arrived!

She randomly decided to play guitar. She does need her skill up!

Eva: Owww my fingers hurt! Why do I have to play guitar for my job?!

Oh quit complaining. Oh look your car pool is here! Have a good first day!

Eva: What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t get enough money to pay the bills?

It’ll be fine! Just try to make some friends!

While she was at work the ice cream van came to park outside her house. I immediately thought of Tim Minchin here xD Other than that nothing happened, some horses galloped through our garden though!

Work asked her to stay late so by the time she got home it was 9:30pm and she was about to pass out from tiredness. I made her pay the bills though.

Eva: Can I please go to bed now?! I have to get up for work!

Your work day doesn’t start til 1pm . . .

Eva: So?! I just want to sleep!


It was midnight before she finally got settled down!

I have no idea why she’s dreaming of rubbish. :’)

Too hot!

‘Ellloooo there!

It’s been quite hot here in England, too hot for my liking (Even if it does only get up to around 23 degrees here that’s still hot 😉 ). It’s also tired making. :’) So I haven’t really done much these past few days. I have managed a few walks though because I do need to be out in the sun. :’) But on a positive side maybe more people will like to view our house (and houses in general) because the weather is nice so you see the house in a better light or whatever people think about when they buy houses. xD

It’s been pretty nice though, hearing the birds tweeting and other summery stuff. :’) It’s quite nice to walk in too, I’m a bit weird with that. Hate the heat but like walking in it. Anyone else like that? :’) Think I might go for a walk in a bit, as it’s not as hot as yesterday and the day before. 🙂

I’m off to write a Sims post now 🙂

Jess x

Quick update

Hi everybody! (Imagine Dr Nick from The Simpsons 😉 )

So this weekend is a tiring one. Yesterday the lovely parents went up to Nottingham to see Guns N’ Roses. 😀 I must admit I was a bit jealous that I couldn’t go, especially after we found out Thin Lizzy was supporting (Even though it’s not really Thin Lizzy now is it?)! So the person that came to look after me for the night was my dad’s mom. We had a really nice time yesterday, talking and watching old episodes of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?. Yeahhh. 😉 Was up in the night though unfortunately so today I’m extremely tired but trying to find things to do with the “me” time I have xD I attempted to make myself a nice lunch but it wasn’t that fancy. 😉 My cooking skills are very limited, I can just about manage to do a salad. I don’t generally do things involving microwaves/ovens/hobs as I nearly set the kitchen on fire with the microwave . . . Yeah. :’)

Anyway, this was a quick life update! :’) Very brief ’cause I haven’t really done anything lately. :’)

Jess x

Meet Miss Holmes!

Hellloooo 🙂 I have decided to start my Sims 3 legacy-sort-of-not-really. :’)


Here’s our founder, her name is Eva Holmes. 🙂 Her traits are; Good Sense of Humour, Good, Virtuoso, Hopeless Romantic and Friendly. Her favourites are Indie, Autumn Salad and Turquoise. 😀 Her LTW is to be a Hit Movie Composer!

Here’s her house. It’s not much, but once she gets more money she can upgrade it!

So the first task is to get a job. Her choice of transportation is a bike, luckily she lives quite close to town so it won’t take long!

Eva: I quite like this place.
You better, it took me a whole 5 minutes to make! 😛

Eva: Wish me luck!

I’m sure you’ll manage to charm them.

She got it! 😀 I think she’s quite happy. Now to go bring up that guitar skill!

Just saying, the noise was awful as she tried to get chords together. O.o

Eva: HEY!

It’s true though . . .

Yay! She got a skill point! Now the noise isn’t that bad!

Eva: Is that a compliment?

Not really . . .

Why is there a halo?

Eva: I donated 100 simoleons to a charity! Are you proud?

I guess . . . We now have 48 simoleons now though.

So after that I decided to send her out somewhere to meet new sims. I have twallan’s story progression mod installed so I can see where people are and find out the gossip going around town. 😉 Most people were at work but there were a few at the cat park thing so we went there.

When we got there we introduced ourselves to Zac Whipsnake! They seemed to get on okay:

Although this was after she bored him to death so their friendship bar is really low, they’re still on acquaintance level. xD

Eva: Hey! It’s not my fault people don’t want to know I’m new or have a new job!

Mhm sure.

I heard some stuff going on next to them so I scooted along and saw this:

Hailey Shepherd just received flowers from Kenji Midden! Poor Kanoa Parrott was watching it whilst thinking about Hailey. Poor guy. xD

Eva: Are you gonna be following my life or theirs?!

Aren’t you supposed to be talking to Zac? *comes over to look*

Oh. Well at least you said goodbye to him!

Eva: Yep! I’m off home now, I reeeaaally need the loo.

But . . . there were loos right next to you in the park!

Eva: . . . Oh. Ooops. I need to make some food anyway.

Please do not cut yourself!

Eva: You were worried over nothing! See, I made it all by myself!

Well, at least you can’t burn salad.

Really, you sit on the toilet to eat your tea?!

Eva: There’s nothing wrong with that! Besides, you didn’t give me a table or chairs!

You also wash the dishes in the bathroom sink?! Even though you have a sink in the kitchen?!

Eva: Mhm, nothing wrong with that either!

*sigh* Sims . . .

Well, at least that day is over. Goodnight Eva, hope your dreams of music make you in a good mood for work tomorrow!


There we are, my first Sims legacy post thing! Hope it was okay! I know not a lot happened, but nothing really does on the first day xD
Jess x

Titles are hard to think of

Hellooooo 🙂

Thank you once again (or twice, or three times) for the comments on the M.E post! 🙂 So glad people are still coming to read it. 🙂

I haven’t been doing much since then, attempted some school work and did really well with that! I did maths and English. English beats it every time. 😉 Yesterday I went out in the car to take mom the hairdressers and then dad took me to the church so that I could stretch my legs (it’s not very far from home, maybe 5 minutes?) but once I got home I crashed. 😦 Oh well, was a sunny day and I managed to get out in the car that’s the positive out of it!

Went on a little walk today, but somehow I’ve pulled something in my side/back. Hmph. :’) Played on the Sims for a little bit. Not really done much. xD

So today was the Spanish Grand Prix in F1 and I didn’t really watch it, but mom shouted upstairs that there was a fire. I feel so bad for the Williams team, and other team members that helped out. Such a downer after their win today. 😦 But that is the downside to F1, full of dangers. :/

I have a real sudden love for Ofra Haza, her voice is – was? – beautiful. I’m not sure what she says in most of it (Does she sing in Hebrew?) but ahh her voice is just . . . Wow. Plus she was super pretty! It’s made me want to learn Hebrew (To add to the list of languages I want to learn, including Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, German, Chinese and others. So yeah, I’m a bit crazy. 😉 ) and study religion more. I should probably slow down with the amount of stuff I want to research but eh. 😉

Random post over for today. 😀 x

Thank you :)

Hi there!

Thank you for reading and commenting on yesterday’s post, it means the world to me! I have definitely felt the after effects today but it was worth it. 🙂 Have taken it quite easy by reading, nearly finished the eighth book, on to the ninth!

Anyway this was just a quick thank you for reading 🙂 I’ll probably write again soon, or a Sims post. Hehe.

Jess x

Still here and awareness

Hello 🙂

I am still here! I just started reading a lot and then the rest of my order came yesterday so I’ve been busy reading :’) Aaanyway. I’m here to write a serious post. About my illness (M.E) which I gave you a link to in the first post. Well, here is the story of how it all started and how I got diagnosed. If you don’t want to read my life story just skip to the end where I have written facts and told you to go look up videos.

This week is M.E Awareness Week. It is the chance we sufferers – or family of the sufferers, as some of us are too poorly – to raise awareness. I have done some awareness back in 2009, my mom went on the local radio station for me to raise awareness and a lady came to our house to record me telling people listening to Women’s Hour on Radio 4 about it. It was very tiring and at that time I was still bedbound, only just managing to get weight back on.

It all started when I was about 8. It was the summer holidays and I’d been doing swimming (A love of mine). Unfortunately, every time I came home from it I was so tired I would just flop onto my bed without cleaning off the chlorine because I was so tired and my legs hurt so much I couldn’t really walk. A few days later (I’m guessing) I started getting bruises randomly. Now, for the record I’m very clumsy but these weren’t “Oops, I walked into the dresser” sort of thing, they were blood bruises. At the point I couldn’t move or do anything really so was stuck in bed for the whole summer holidays. It was very worrying to my family so my mom took me to the doctors (somehow) to get me checked out because they thought I could have leukemia. Luckily, it didn’t show up in the blood tests but they still couldn’t tell what was wrong with me so back I went to bed.

I don’t really remember much about that, it’s just things that my mom and dad have told me. I do remember the bruises, and feeling such bad pain in my legs but nothing else. Guess I blocked it from my memory. I must’ve got a bit better because by September I was in Year 4, although not properly feeling myself. Not a lot happened, I kept getting laryngitis but that was normal for me, I always got that or chest infections. We moved house and that wore me out a bit but it layed still.

In Year 5 I was off school with a wheat intolerance for a few weeks, that wasn’t exactly helpful to my health. That knocked me back a bit but I still kept on at school, although I did have to stop from doing the school play. Year 6 came along and we went on school camp, that was very tiring and took me a while to recover from that (No relapse though) then SATs came along and it all went downhill from there. I was having Fridays off because I was tired after doing the four days of school. That was extremely annoying to explain to the kids in my year. They were all “We get tired too, but we don’t get Fridays off!”. I bit my tongue though, didn’t want to get in trouble. Then I was having weeks off school because I was so tired, I didn’t have the energy to eat or go downstairs or anything. I felt a little better after that so went started doing part-time (either mornings or afternoons). Again this was annoying for two reasons, I had to quit the school play again and had to explain to the kids that I was poorly. They were like “You don’t look ill, you look well!” Sadly, they mistook the flushed cheeks for feeling well.

I managed my last day at school which is a great memory to have. 🙂 Not so great that I was in bed for the whole of the summer holidays again though. This time it was even worse than when I was 8. My eating slowly decreased, although I kept topped up on water. One night I didn’t feel very well (as apposed to feeling so tired) so my mom and dad came and sit with me. I then started shaking uncontrollably so while mom called the nurse at the hospital place dad sat with me to try to calm me down. I had to go the hospital (with a urine sample. Ughhh) at around midnight (fun adventure). I was freezing cold but boiling hot and by the time the doctor saw me he said to limit the layers and just keep cool. He also said that there was nothing to show why I was feeling so poorly. *sigh*

The next day I tried to nap as much as I could, between really wanting to see my friends and watching the olympics. I spent much of those weeks in bed trying to feel better (didn’t work). Eventually I felt a little better so started the search with my mom to find school uniform and everything else I needed for secondary school. My mom gave me a not to hand in to the teachers there to say that if I needed to go home because I felt too tired/too ill to call her. I managed pretty okay the first few lessons. I didn’t eat my snack though, because it didn’t look cool eating grapes whilst walking to class, in my opinion. I did regret that though when it came to lunch time. The hallway smelt of school dinners so I went into the main hall to try to eat (after seeing the school nurse to give me Gaviscon) but felt really too ill. In the end I went back to the school nurse crying because I just wanted to be at home. They told me to “eat your grapes and get some fresh air. Find your friends as well”. That didn’t help but I agreed (after getting over the fact I felt like a 5-year-old). By the end of the day I was so tired and felt so sick I tried my hardest not to cry in front of my friend, whose mom kindly decided to drive me back home. I got in the door, sat on the stairs and cried because I felt so rough. My mom helped me up the stairs and at 5 I finally ate my lunch.

Next day I had a half day and felt much better for that. Unfortunately the next week I was back in hospital because I was shaking again. This time I had to have painkillers and have my blood taken. They referred me to the children’s hospital and told me to have vitamin C because I didn’t have enough in me. I gradually got worse and couldn’t make my appointment to the children’s hospital as I was completely bedbound, only managing to crawl out of my bed to use the bathroom. I was losing so much weight because I couldn’t stomach the thought of food and in the end my paediatrician referred me to a CFS place. A lovely man came out and told me he suspected I had M.E (He called it CFS but M.E is right because I don’t just experience fatigue). I really couldn’t handle this diagnosis for two reasons. 1. I was 11. 2. I had never heard of this illness before. So I ended up very depressed because I couldn’t do anything and didn’t think I would enjoy Christmas at all. So several things happened that I don’t want to mention and Christmas came a long. It was actually the best Christmas I had ever had (Even if I had to open presents slowly and rest a lot afterwards). I started to feel better and in 2009 I started making very small progress. I was slowly putting weight back on (Which felt amazing, I was no longer able to see every bone in my body!) and started to get out of my bed more. The biggest thing was getting my rabbits (One has now died 😦 ) and they helped ease my depression because they made me super happy. 🙂

As I had something to do everyday (Whether it was going out to them or mom bringing them inside) I started building my strength back up. In the summer I was well enough to sit outside for most of the day, with music to keep me company. The vitamin D was flowing back inside and I was finally able to start going in the car (for the first time in months!). Then the people tutoring me decided it would help me to go back to school . . . That’s where it all went to shit again. They pushed me too far and I relapsed. Badly. 2010 was a bit crappy, I spent months trying to recover and it took forever.

2011 was when I started to improve slowly, the medicine the doctors had prescribed to me back in ’08 were helping and I could start going out for walks (unaided!). I even started seeing new people I had met! 😀 All of this though, went a bit poop in September when I got a stomach bug and relapsed. I kept waking up in the night, either just because I felt too poorly or was going to be ill. This still happens now, even though I’m not actually ill in the night. It is very frustrating but I am now starting to show signs of a little bit of improvement. I am still severely affected and stay in my pajamas – and my room – a lot of the time. If I do manage to go outside I can’t do it again for days, or even weeks. I am a lot better than some people I know who are severely affected but it affects everyone differently.

Throughout all of this AYME was a great help to me, especially knowing that there were other people in the same position as me. I met my best friend through there and it’s been amazing. 🙂 There have been many downs but there have been ups as well. I may not be able to return to school again but I try to catch up by doing worksheets or work books.

This is my story of my ongoing battle with M.E. There are 250,000+ people in the UK alone who are affected with this illness. It doesn’t help that the government hasn’t been kind to its existence in the past, or that “professionals” say it’s all in our head. If it was in our heads, we would have “made” ourselves be well, wouldn’t we? It’s not exactly a choice.

Thank you for reading this – very lengthy – post. There are videos on YouTube that you can watch, there are articles around on news sites as well. I’m sure if you buy the local newspaper you’ll be able to (possibly) find some articles in there as well.

I’m off to go rest for the next few days after that, emotionally and physically exhausted.
Jess x


Yayyy :D

Hi hi hi! 😀

I’m happy today because a DVD I ordered came today 😀 I get to re-watch over and over again The Prince of Egypt! 😀 The tape we had of it kind of decided to fail . . . a lot . . . so I bought it on DVD! 🙂 A book also came today but it was the twelfth book in the series and I’ve only got up to book six . . . D:

Haven’t really done anything today, too tired. D: Played on the Sims for a bit, which was frustrating as last night my game decided to crash. 😦 I really could have cried (That says soooo much about my social life. 😉 I do have one, honest!). Oh well, I’ve put that aside and promised myself I’d keep saving it every so often but I’ve failed to do that. :’)

Think I’m going to try to do something educational now, no idea what. I still need to write a reading log thing for Night School for yesterday and today (I finished it this morning, quite good near the end as I finally found out what the heck was going on 😉 ). I might look through my geography book or something. 🙂 Right, better do that before I forget. I swear this blog will be a note-to-self most of the time. 😉 x


Hello there! 🙂

So last night I spoke to a friend and we were talking about science (like you do) and suddenly I got into a mood where I want to learn stuff. That wasn’t a great time to have that happen as it was around 9pm and I needed to start relaxing so I could sleep. Either way, I didn’t listen to my body so decided to do a bit of science (Space. <3) and ended up doing a little bit of history too. I then stopped and thought about what to do today. I also read a bit about climate and climate change because of a programme (never know how to spell that one . . .) on last night about armageddon (If you want to see it watch it here ). So my plan for today was to do a bit of history (completed!), science (not completed . . . Should probably do that) and then something else if I could be bothered. I guess I did English because I’ve been reading a lot today. Hmm, anyway next topic (I’ll change subject very quickly so get used to that 😉 ).

I wasn’t going to write about the Sims today but here I am! :’) Constance and Michael got married today! ❤

After that happened I decided the house was too small for them but Bridgeport doesn’t have good places to put new houses down (this lot is on the school field . . .) so I decided to delete their house so they had money and then I saved them to the library so I could move them to Appaloosa Plains. Eeep! Luckily I didn’t delete them forever and they now have a bigger house. :’) Yayyy!

Today is May 4th soooo “May the fourth be with you!”! :’) I’m off to be a nerd and put Star Wars on because I’m so f’ing rock ( Tim Minchin is amazing ). 😉 x