Rain, please stop

Hi there 🙂

I went on an outing today so thought I’d share some of the photos of today 🙂

Unfortunately it started to threaten to rain so we headed into town to get some stuff from the shops. Of course, as soon as we did get into the shop, it came out all lovely. *sigh* British weather . . .

In between showers of rain I went out to see my gorgeous bunny rabbit. 😀 Here are some pics:

“Hi camera!”

(He’d just pushed away some the dried grass here xD)

I think he looks quite proud of himself in the last one xD I’ve given him lots of pets today but he still is grumpy, think he’s annoyed because of the rain as well. 😉

All throughout today my tummy has been so mean to me, I keep wanting to eat but it’s like “No, if you do I’ll just give you reflux”. *sigh* I think it’s partly because of waking up in the night due to the wind and rain. :/ Bodies! I’ve still managed to do stuff though, so I’m happy xD

Jess x

Why hello English summer . . .

I never know how to start off a post xD

So, here in England we’ve had the usual lovely summer weather: rain, wind and maybe a threat of some thunderstorms. This is why people don’t buy swimsuits or sun cream around summer time, you just know that because you buy it when it’s sunny it’ll pour down with rain for the next 6 weeks. D: Either way, I’ve been quite productive because of staying inside! I’ve cleared up my room a lot, taken down posters (In the hope that this will sell our house as some people can’t see past the Iron Maiden, Nirvana etc posters . . . 😦 ) and read. A lot. 😀 Oh, and I did venture out a couple of times. 😀 😀

I’m currently reading The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. Ahhhh I love these books! 😀 I’m so happy to be able to follow the story lines again, now that my brain is a little less foggy. 🙂 I am trying to read more of the old stuff, as I don’t want to be completely like the stereotypical teenager that lacks any sort of interest in the older books! Haha 😀 I honestly don’t class myself as a teenager as some of them give us a bad name. xD But that is for another day . . .

I did try picking up sewing again, although hand-sewing is still not great. It made me feel so ill after doing a couple of hexies that I just gave up, plus the thread had decided to knot itself up so I got frustrated with it. 😉 Here is a picture of the attempt (I didn’t make the hexies by the way, my nan gave them to me when I was able to do a lot of hand sewing):

You can sort of see the knot next to the upside down hexie. It was quite nice to do, even if it did make me feel ill. xD I am trying to get back into sewing again, I’m planning to make my dad a harmonica case but: 1. I have no idea how to do that. 2. I’d have to use my sewing machine as I don’t think my stitching would be strong enough for it and 3. I have no idea where my sewing machine is. 😉 This is the end of the crafty bit for today. 😉

My nan and grampy have been sorting through stuff lately and they have these brass horse things which are amazing, I used to play with them as a kid (Barbies and brass horses for the win. 😉 ). So anyway, my grampy wanted to throw them out (Not literally of course) and nan text mom to say that, and if I wanted them. Of course I said yes I did, so now they’re in my possession! 😀 Here are some pics of one of them:

Yeah, I’m pretty happy with that. 😀 Sadly this time without the Barbies. 😉

Well, this has been a nice little update! 😀 (Even if this is the second time writing it as WordPress didn’t save my first attempt *sigh*) I am now going to go search for some tea, even though I don’t fancy anything. xD
Jess x

Busy busy busy

Hi there!

Well, I say busy busy busy but it isn’t that busy. 😉 I’ve seen lots of people this week, including my best friend and two other friends. I saw my best friend on Wednesday, my friend yesterday and another friend today (The last two are brother and sister xD). It’s been really nice to be sociable but boy am I feeling it at the moment. D: My brain goes all foggy and my legs (random body is random) start to hurt after it. *sigh* Silly body!

I haven’t really been doing all that much since we last spoke, apart from seeing people. I did go to a little garden party thing for the Diamond Jubilee but as it was raining and I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t stay for very long! Was nice though to do something! Other than that I just watched the coverage on the telly. I was adamant that I was going to watch it as my brain kept saying “You can tell this story to your children and grandchildren and it’s part of future history books!”. Yes my brain is odd. 😉

I am still trying to think of things to do with the blog. I might continue the legacy thing but I don’t really know. There are many things I’d like to do, but don’t know how to do them, if that makes sense? I shall have to think some more!

Signing off for this week!
Jess x