And breathe . . .

Hello all!

I’ve put off doing a post for a while because life has been a bit hectic recently! Today I have some time to pass so I decided I’d inform you of what’s been going on!

On Saturday dad came off his motorbike. At first he was in shock so it didn’t hurt, but as the evening wore on he was in quite a bit of pain. On Tuesday he went to the doctors and they packed him off to hospital for an x-ray. Today he went back to get a thingy for work (I am aware that this is extremely technical language) and ended up being sent back to the hospital for another x-ray. Such fun. Dad isn’t particularly keen on doctors/hospital anyway, so I’m sure he’s loving the time being spent there! Plus they keep poking his ribs (which is what he landed on and damaged) so it doesn’t make him feel great either! On the plus side, our neighbours have been very nice to us and are helping us with whatever we need, so thank you very much!

On Tuesday as well, Ann and I did a presentation about our writing blog for her English class. It was a bit scary, for me at least, but I think we did pretty well! Until Skype crapped out . . . You can’t have everything, I guess. I think they were more interested in me being English though. xD Ann owes me a lot of Mesikäpp for that! (Joking)

Yesterday I Skyped with Ann and another friend. It was my first time meeting the other one and he’s a bit weirder than I imagined, but all my friends are pretty weird so it makes no difference! It was really nice to Skype with them both, even if they did make me forget how to talk in proper English (i.e made me forget nearly every word I knew). I blame it on the brain fog, of course. 😛 We have a kingdom/empire (depends on the day, apparently) which we now have a flag for and soon a language. Who says teenagers never do anything worthwhile?! It’s been a nice distraction from the motorbike accident, so thank you to you guys (and my other friends, who have been rather helpful too ;P) for that!

I’m supposed to be reading this book at the moment, as it has to go back to the library on the 31st, but instead I’m listening to weird music that my friends send  to me. xD I am really enjoying the book though, it has many good quotes and does make you think a bit. I like books like that. 🙂

Well, I think that’s a lot of information to take in so I shall leave you now!
See you soon,
Jess x

Finally getting somewhere

Hiya! 😀

I’m back with a probably boring post. xD First of all I’d like to say thank you all for reading and sharing my M.E post, it really means a lot. 🙂 Now to get onto the main topic! Which isn’t really a focused one but whatever. xD

A while ago I mentioned plans that I had and then said they hadn’t really worked out so well. Thanks to the lovely weather England has graced us with, I’ve managed to get some energy and have been a little busy since! Ann and I have been busy with a blog we used to have. We have reinvented it and now we have a few projects going on there so click here to check it out! 😀 Getting back into creative writing has been fun, I’ve missed it a lot. Hopefully you lot will like some of the stories, although they’re quite different to what I guess you imagine I’d write. Ah well. 😛

I’ve also been managing to practise some of my English skills (essentially learning what I missed from secondary school) as Ann and another friend of mine keep joking around about it. It’s given me the motivation to do English and learn another language, so thanks guys. xD I still have a lot to correct but I’m learning it pretty fast, so that’s good!

Other than that not a lot has been happening. I’ve got a few ideas of what I need to be doing, but need to get a bit more energy back before doing that. Until then, I shall continue writing and practising skills.

Well, a short and sweet (I guess?) post, but that’s all I really have to tell you guys! xD
See you soon!
Jess x

That time of year

Hiya! So, like it says in the title, it’s that time of year where I write a lengthy blog that probably doesn’t make much sense about M.E. Here are the links to the previous years:
May 2012
May 2013
Today I’m going to write about life with M.E. So not as M.E focused as the last two posts, but still hopefully good enough to give you an idea of what it’s like.

As you’re probably aware, I’ve recently had a relapse. Slightly (okay, a lot) overdid it after staying at my nan and grampy’s then venturing out with the neighbours. I, of course, haven’t been quite right since last year (wonder why) so a big (well, larger than past ones) relapse like this was to be expected. I don’t regret any of it, though. I’ve probably said that numerous times, but it’s true. I really don’t.

Something I’ve learnt on my M.E journey, is that you really do have to take life as it comes. I got told it when I was first diagnosed and I never listened. I didn’t think life would ever be the way I wanted and that it wouldn’t get any better. How wrong I was. Sure, life has definitely changed but so many good things have happened.

When I was first diagnosed, I was extremely poorly and very isolated. I never thought, back then as a bedbound and petrified 11-year-old, that one day I’d go to a really big rock festival. I also never thought that I’d have many friends, yet I have found my pal, and three other people who I consider my close friends. I never imagined that one day I’d have cards out, with my designs on. Things that I had done as a child, like going out places with my family, were considered unreachable.

What I’m trying to say, is that there are milestones everyday. No matter how small they are. I’ve had to rely on a wheelchair for most outings as my legs cannot support me properly after this relapse. Yesterday I didn’t need that. I went to the library and managed to walk around a little bit to find the book I wanted to read. That meant so much to me to be able to walk, to go where I wanted, without worrying about someone being in the way, or having to tell my driver (also known as dad) where to put me.

But those moments, however small (or big, depending who you ask) they are, I achieved them. They are worth pain and exhaustion, to have a taste of so-called normality. I can’t say it’s all positives, that would be ridiculous. There are days where I do get down, because I can’t do some things that I want to. There are days where I wish I could sleep the relapse off, it were possible. I try not to listen to that too much, as it isn’t worth the energy.

So, throughout this relapse, I’ve learnt another thing. Enjoy the little moments. I always feel so happy when I achieve little things, like walking around a little shop with mum, or going to the duck pond with dad. I never used to feel satisfied with these things, they always seemed so unimportant when my dreams were to go to LA and visit Sunset Boulevard. Now, they mean a lot to me. Sometimes we need a reality check to appreciate stuff.

So, that comes to the end of this year’s post. Sorry if it’s a bit rambly, my brain isn’t concentrating right now. As always, I link to this site for some basic information, so hopefully that helps to explain what I can’t.

Thank you for reading this.
Jess x