Good things

Hiya! šŸ™‚

Since I last wrote I’ve been doing things that make me happy or that will improve areas of life that I enjoy. I’ve joined a garment making class at the local adult education centre and I’ve also booked to go to the local college open day to have a gander and see what they’d say about me doing my GCSE in English. Alongside that my aunt has been helping improve my English to prepare for the fun that will be had at GCSE level. While that is a daunting prospect, it’s fun to get parts of me back. šŸ™‚

I’ve also had no phone (due to deciding to break. For once it wasn’t technically because of me, all I did was put it on the table!) so that has made life a bit more enjoyable. A break that I once promised my friend has become a lot easier without my phone being next to me 24/7 (even though I’m on my laptop for most of the day, but hey, it’s not as draining asĀ the phone). I think my mood as improved slightly as well which has been a great help to encourage me to do what I want to do.

I’ve been trying to think more seriously about what direction I want to go in with my life. It revolves around creativity and history, so I think I need to find a good balance with that. As I said long ago, it always comes back to both things so maybe I should think my options through a lot more. I’ve considered that if this year doesn’t finish me off (lots of exciting things happening!!) I might be able to volunteer at the local charity shop next year, just for some experience and to see how I’d manage with that level of energy-draining activities. Though that might have to wait until after I do my GCSE, if I get on the course.

I assume all this adult-like thinking is due to the fact my birthday is in just less than a month and I feel a sort of responsibility to act my age more. I definitely don’t like it, but I feel that I can’t just continue on making it up asĀ I go along, as I’ve never particularly liked not having a vague outline of a plan. With this swirling around in my head I hope that it’ll help my mental health. It seems to be doing its job so far, so I hope that continues!

Sorry for a particularly wordy post today! This is all that’s been on my mind sinceĀ I last wrote, so I thought I’d share it with you. Hopefully next month I’ll have some good picture-filled posts for you! šŸ™‚
See you soon,
Jess x

A sort of adventure


Today I intended to be adventurous, to follow my inner Hobbit and I achieved that. Kind of. We set out on a relatively short journey to a local village not too far from the airport and went up a massive hill to see all the lands around us. It was quite cold up that hill, so we didn’t stay there for too long. xD I completely forgot to take pictures, it kind of felt wrong to, even though there were some great opportunities. Bad Jess!

OnĀ our way out of the village, dad noticed an antiques place advertised so we diverted our route to goĀ see what that was all about. I didn’t think there’d be much, as it is a Sunday andĀ to beĀ quite honest it looked a lot like nothing.Ā Like thatĀ old phrase that is way overused never judge a book by its cover.Ā It was a complete treasure trove and we’ll definitely be spending more weekends there,Ā so many things to look at and buy!

We made friends with the people in theĀ second shop we went to (a little vintage-y place, mainly linen and trinkets, odd bits and bobs really), I think mum wants to go back there as they had trim and sewing-relatedĀ things there! We went back into the courtyard and discovered yet another antique place, but this time it was all stalls. Amazing. It was like antique geek heaven and if I had thought of taking my Christmas money with me I would definitely have had none left!! We made our way around the stalls and found a music one. Cue the rummaging for some good rock vinyl!

A little while later, after much leaning, I made my way out of the place with a bag containing just a few records. You may see a recurring theme with some of them . . .
Sorry for the awful lighting, it’s never kind! I may have bought a few Poison ones, but their music is good so hey! They’re all singles, pretty much and I’m very happy with them! They were all quite cheap as well, so I’m chuffed with that!

So while I didn’t get my dose of Hobbit ness that I wanted, I did end up getting vinyl. That’s always a good day! šŸ™‚
See you soon,
Jess x

Hello 2015

Hello all šŸ™‚ Welcome back to this ‘ere blog!

I spent New Year’s Eve with my family, friendĀ and neighbours, which was very lovely. I could’ve done without being up and out until 2am though, my body is still exhaustedĀ . . . So far 2015 has been very slow which, if you know me, is a good thing as I usually burn myself out at the start and then do nothing for the rest of the year. I’m learning!! I also received packages from my abroad friends, Ann and Pony. They both sent chocolate and other goodies, so they clearly know me very well!

In terms of news, there’s not a lot really. I have lots of things that I should be doing and instead I’m doing things that aren’t really productive. I’m working on a side project that still needs a bit of tinkering, so once I’ve thought it through a bit I’ll definitely send you on over there. I’ve also decided that, like last year, I’ll try to update this blog every month, but I won’t force myself to do it. I’ve learned that it’s a lot easier to just write when I have something interesting to say or share, rather than just because I have to. As much as I’d love to build this up into something better than it is, I don’t have the energy for it. Besides, as I said, I have a little side project that will be going on soon so that’ll take up my time for a bit! Just don’t think I’m neglecting this area, okay? šŸ˜›

With that said, I shall be on my merry way now. šŸ™‚ I hope you all had a good start to the year,
See you soon,
Jess x